Hurricane Disaster Tips
Winter isn’t the only time you need to be prepared for a storm related disaster! Consider these tips to stay safe and prepared in the summertime.
In order to be better prepared, here are some helpful hints for preventative measures before a hurricane:
Compile a written or videotaped inventory of household possessions and property. Store this information in a safe place with insurance policies, important documents, and other valuables.
Identify evacuation locations.
Keep an accessible list of important telephone numbers.
Listen to local radio and TV stations for evacuation instructions and warnings.
Assemble a disaster supply kit. Include: a first aid kit, essential medication, canned food, non-electric can opener, at least three gallons of water per person, protective clothing, rainwear, sleeping bags, battery powered radio, flashlights, extra batteries, and written instructions for how to turn off gas and water if necessary.
Consider special precautionary steps for infants and elderly or disabled people in your home, or life.
Install hurricane shutters or precut ¾” plywood for windows.
Protect against tree damage by removing diseased or damaged limbs.
Fill the gas tank in your car.
Be alert for the threat of tornadoes
Stay away from floodwaters.
If you experience damages due to a hurricane, here are some tips for what to do after:
Call your independent insurance agent as soon as possible.
Make temporary repairs to prevent further damage.
Delay permanent repairs until your insurer approves claim and adjustments. Save evidence of destroyed or damaged property for insurance adjuster, and do not sign or agree to anything with contractors, lawyers, or public adjusters until after you meet with your insurance adjuster.
Acquire any necessary construction permits from community.
Keep all receipts for repairs.
Prepare an inventory of all damaged or destroyed personal property and valuables.
Check out these links for hurricane information: